Our Signature Decaf Roast is a blend from multiple farmers located in Colombia’s “Zona Cafetera” in the Caldenses Mountains in the heart of the country. We roast this blend to a perfect medium dark to offer a bold flavorful cup of coffee. Decaf drinkers are overly impressed with the magical flavors and aromas from this roast.
This Colombian coffee blend, EA Decaf Processed, is specially formulated to create a taste closest to traditional caffeinated coffees. Its rich, smooth taste will please the palates of the finest connoisseurs without the effects of caffeine. Residual caffeine content is 0.06%.
These beans come from families with over a century of coffee farming experience. Using some of the best cultivation and harvesting process practices. Grown at an elevation of 1400m with a year-round average of 80% humidity, these high-quality Supremo beans are decaffeinated by Ethyl Acetate, a derivative of fruits and sugar cane. Please follow the link “EA Decaffeination Process” below to learn more.
Descafecol SAS uses Natural Ethyl Acetate – Water method to decaffeinate green coffee. Green Coffee beans are first steamed with low pressure steam to remove silver skins. Then coffee is moistened with hot water to swell and soften the beans and start the hydrolysis of caffeine which is bonded to salts of chlorogenic acid inside the beans. This is what we call pretreatment step.
The Extractors are filled with moistened coffee and caffeine removal is done by washing thoroughly the beans with recirculation of solvent (natural ethyl acetate EA) in the extractors. This procedure has to be done several times in order to remove minimum 97 % of the caffeine initially present in coffee beans.
Once the extraction of caffeine is finished, the coffee beans have to be stripped off EA and we use a flow of low pressure saturated steam across the bed of coffee in the extractor to remove all remaining traces of EA. Ultimately there’s no more than 10 p.p.m. of EA left in coffee.
From the extractors, coffee is sent to vacuum drying drums to remove water previously applied in the moistening step in order to adjust the final humidity value between 10 % and 12 %.
Coffee is then cooled quickly to ambient temperature using air fans. After cooling, coffee is polished with carnauba wax to enhance appearance and protection against environment humidity. After polishing, coffee is ready to be packed in jute bags of 70 Kg net weight.